Cyber Insurance

Almost 4 in 10 business (39%*) have suffered a cyber attack in the last 12 months. How would your practice cope?

Cyber Insurance for Healthcare Practices

Cyber Attack Insurance is designed to cover costs associated with cyber-attacks or breaches. Typical cover can include the following;

  • Cyber extortion or ransomware attacks
  • Third party data breach notification costs
  • Costs to reinstate data or restore programs following an attack
  • Network failure – cover for income lost and additional expenses you incur
  • Legal costs in the event of a third party breach – occurs from a network breach or privacy/data breach
  • Regulatory legal costs should an investigation be brought against you by a government entity
  • Multimedia liability in the event of a claim arising against you for plagiarism, breach of copyright and piracy
  • Cover for consequential harm and crisis communication in the event of a cyber-attack occurring, resulting in press coverage

How can I assess the risk to my practice?

  • Can you identify different types of attack?
  • How confident are you that you and your staff will know what to do?
  • What processes do you have to prevent attacks from happening?

Try our self-assessment tool to find out!

Dentists Vets Doctors Optometrists Chiropractors

Why choose cyber attack insurance from Lloyd & Whyte?

Healthcare practices present a higher risk to insurers than other businesses because of the medical data that is collected, stored and processed. As we represent thousands of medical practices in the UK, we’ve been able to partner with a panel of insurers to make life easier for you.

All of the insurers we’ve chosen offer a dedicated incident and cyber response helpline. These helplines are available 24/7 so you’re able to react to a cyber-attack quickly and effectively.


*Gov UK Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2021